Character set creator. Maps numeric values to strings using the character set as digits.

Hierarchy (view full)



Maximum string length supported.



  • get characterSet(): readonly string[]
  • Get the character set.

    Returns readonly string[]

  • get characterSetSize(): number
  • Get the character set size.

    Returns number

  • get exclusionSupport(): readonly Exclusion[]
  • Get the exclusions supported by the character set.

    Returns readonly Exclusion[]


  • Get a power of 10.


    • power: number


    Returns bigint


  • Create a string by mapping a value to the equivalent characters in the character set across the length of the string.


    • length: number

      Required string length.

    • value: number | bigint

      Numeric value of the string.

    • Optionalexclusion: Exclusion

      Strings to be excluded from the range of outputs. See Exclusion for possible values and their meaning.

    • Optionaltweak: number | bigint

      If provided, the numerical value of the string is "tweaked" using an encryption transformer.

    • OptionalcreationCallback: CreationCallback

      If provided, called after the string is constructed to create the final value.

    Returns string

    String created from the value.

  • Create multiple strings by mapping each value to the equivalent characters in the character set across the length of the string. Equivalent to calling this method for each individual value.


    • length: number

      Required string length.

    • values: Iterable<number | bigint, any, any>

      Numeric values of the strings.

    • Optionalexclusion: Exclusion

      Strings to be excluded from the range of outputs. See Exclusion for possible values and their meaning.

    • Optionaltweak: number | bigint

      If provided, the numerical value of the strings are "tweaked" using an encryption transformer.

    • OptionalcreationCallback: CreationCallback

      If provided, called after each string is constructed to create the final value.

    Returns IterableIterator<string, any, any>

    Iterable iterator over strings created from the values.

  • Create a string or multiple strings. This signature exists to allow similar overloaded methods in other classes to call this method correctly.


    • length: number
    • valueOrValues: number | bigint | Iterable<number | bigint, any, any>
    • Optionalexclusion: Exclusion
    • Optionaltweak: number | bigint
    • OptionalcreationCallback: CreationCallback

    Returns string | IterableIterator<string, any, any>

  • Determine the value for a string.


    • s: string


    • exclusion: Exclusion = Exclusion.None

      Strings excluded from the range of inputs. See Exclusion for possible values and their meaning.

    • Optionaltweak: number | bigint

      If provided, the numerical value of the string was "tweaked" using an encryption transformer.

    Returns bigint

    Numeric value of the string.

  • Get the index for a character.


    • c: string


    Returns undefined | number

    Index for the character or undefined if the character is not in the character set.

  • Get the indexes for all characters in a string.


    • s: string


    Returns readonly (undefined | number)[]

    Array of indexes for each character or undefined if the character is not in the character set.

  • Validate a string. If the string violates the character set or any of the character set validation parameters, an exception is thrown.


    Returns void