Regular expression validator. The regular expression applies to the full string only if constructed as such. For
example, /\d*/ (0 or more digits) matches every string, /\d+/
(1 or more digits) matches strings with at least one digit, /^\d*$/ matches strings that
are all digits or empty, and /^\d+$/ matches strings that are all digits and not empty.
Clients of this class are recommended to override the createErrorMessage method create a more suitable error
message for their use case.
Create an error message for a string. The generic error message is sufficient for many use cases but a more
domain-specific error message, possibly including the pattern itself, is often required.
Regular expression validator. The regular expression applies to the full string only if constructed as such. For example,
(0 or more digits) matches every string,/\d+/
(1 or more digits) matches strings with at least one digit,/^\d*$/
matches strings that are all digits or empty, and/^\d+$/
matches strings that are all digits and not empty.Clients of this class are recommended to override the createErrorMessage method create a more suitable error message for their use case.