Module Core

Core Package

Copyright © 2024-2025 Dolphin Data Development Ltd. and AIDC Toolkit contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

⚠️ This software is in beta, with production release is scheduled for 2024Q4. To follow the status of that and other projects, go to the AIDC Toolkit projects page.

The AIDC Toolkit core package contains artefacts to support other AIDC Toolkit packages; it does not itself provide any of the functionality of the AIDC Toolkit. It is a required dependency for all AIDC Toolkit packages.

All AIDC Toolkit packages require localization. The localization functionality in this package simplifies initialization and allows packages to share a common internationalization engine, whose initialization is the responsibility of the client application. Each package requires its own internationalization object and each is responsible for initializing those of its dependencies.

Packages install their resources as follows in i18n.ts or similar:

import { i18nAssertValidResources, i18nCoreInit, type I18NEnvironment } from "@aidc-toolkit/core";
import { i18nDependency1Init, dependency1Resources } from "@aidc-toolkit/dependency1";
import { i18nDependency2Init, dependency2Resources } from "@aidc-toolkit/dependency2";
import i18next from "i18next";
import { localeStrings as enLocaleStrings } from "./en/locale-strings.js";
import { localeStrings as frLocaleStrings } from "./fr/locale-strings.js";

export const packageNS = "aidct_package";

* Locale strings type is extracted from the English locale strings object.
export type PackageLocaleStrings = typeof enLocaleStrings;

i18nAssertValidResources(enLocaleStrings, "fr", frLocaleStrings);

* Package resources.
export const packageResources = {
en: {
aidct_package: enLocaleStrings
fr: {
aidct_package: frLocaleStrings

export const i18nextPackage = i18next.createInstance();

* Initialize internationalization.
* @param environment
* Environment in which the application is running.
* @param debug
* Debug setting.
* @returns
* Void promise.
export async function i18nPackageInit(environment: I18NEnvironment, debug = false): Promise<void> {
await i18nDependency1Init(environment, debug);
await i18nDependency2Init(environment, debug);
await i18nCoreInit(i18nextPackage, environment, debug, packageNS, dependency1Resources, dependency2Resources, packageResources);

The resource types are declared in i18next.d.ts or similar:

import type { Dependency1LocaleStrings } from "@aidc-toolkit/dependency1";
import type { Dependency2LocaleStrings } from "@aidc-toolkit/dependency2";
import type { PackageLocaleStrings } from "./i18n.js";

* Internationalization module.
declare module "i18next" {
* Custom type options for this package.
interface CustomTypeOptions {
defaultNS: "aidct_package";
resources: {
aidct_dependency1: Dependency1LocaleStrings;
aidct_dependency2: Dependency2LocaleStrings;
aidct_package: PackageLocaleStrings;

The resource folder contains common resources (e.g., AIDC Toolkit icon) usable by all AIDC Toolkit packages.



