Constructor. Called internally by PrefixManager serialized numeric identification key creator getters; should not be called by other code.
Prefix manager.
Identification key type.
Serial component length.
Serial component character set.
Get the serial component length.
Get the serial component character set.
serialGet the serial component validation parameters.
Get the serial component creator.
Get the tweak for sparse creation.
Set the tweak for sparse creation.
creatorGet the character set creator for a character set.
Character set.
Character set creator.
Create serialized identification key(s) with a reference based on a numeric value concatenated with serial
component(s). The value is converted to a reference of the appropriate length using NUMERIC_CREATOR
Numeric value of the reference.
Serial component(s).
sparse: booleanIf true, the value is mapped to a sparse sequence resistant to discovery. Default is false.
Serialized identification keys.
Concatenate a base identification key with serial component(s).
Base identification key.
Serial component(s).
Serialized identification key(s).
validation: IdentificationKeyValidationProtected
padPad an identification key on the left with zero-value character for validation purposes. This is done to align an identification key with a position offset for any error message that may be thrown by the reference validator.
Identification key.
Identification key validation parameters.
Padded identification key.
initInitialize the prefix manager. This method is in lieu of a constructor due to the mixin architecture.
Prefix manager.
Prefix within prefix manager to use to calculate reference length.
Serializable numeric identification key creator.